Jemma Moss
Jemma Moss
Office Manager
Tell us how you got here.
Unlike most stories you will read, I did not come from a construction background. My journey that led me to McGee has had a few twists and turns but a journey I am proud of.
After my A-Levels in 2002, I started work for a finance company in the admin department. In 2005 I become a Mum and after a year’s maternity leave, I went back to work and worked my way up to Senior Assistant to 6 managers, 2 area managers and 1 regional manager. In 2014 my son needed a life changing operation; this encouraged my decision to take voluntary redundancy and a change in career which would allow me to work flexibly whilst caring for my son.
At the beginning of 2020 I decided it was time to get back into London. Days later I was in the McGee Head Office for my interview, and I haven’t looked back since.
Why McGee?
McGee encourages growth within the company and with the support of my line manager I have grown the role of office manager and what it demands and plan to continue to do so.
What tips would you give to others considering a career change?
I believe it is very important for you to enjoy your job and the company of the people you work with, something I feel not only lucky with here at McGee but also proud to say I am part of.
This little snippet of me will hopefully give you, whether you’re another young mum or someone who wants to change careers, the confidence and inspiration to do so.